Friday, January 29, 2016

How to install Monero on your Windows desktop

thanks wallet42 :)

  • First Step: Download the binaries from a trusted source.
If you are using Windows, the only place to safely download Monero is directly from the official website:
**Win 64-bit**
IMPORTANT: **The **64-bit version is the only recommended for now.

Recommended unofficial GUIs:

  • Second Step: Extract the binaries and put them in the correct folder.
Windows has native support to .zip archives, so you can easily extract the file. You need to put them in a folder named BitMonero (It'll be explained later why):
Now that all binaries needed to execute Monero are in the BitMonero folder, we need to move this folder with all its contents to your AppData\Roaming user directory. To do it, simply move the BitMonero folder to%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming:
Click Start -> Run -> %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming -> ENTER
Now that BitMonero folder is correctly located inside the Roaming folder, you can easily find it again to manually update the executables, the blockchain or make backups of your wallet. By default, Monero looks for blockchain.bin and the wallet files in your %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\BitMonero directory.
  • Third Step: Download an updated blockchain.bin
In case you don't wish to wait long enough for Monero automatically download the latest blockchain from the network (it can take several hours/days), You can download an updated blockchain bellow and move the downloaded file to your BitMonero folder together with the binaries:
  • Last Step: Creating your first wallet.
As Monero is mainly a CLI application right now, we'll use a .bat file to facilitate the creation and execution of your wallet. Still in your AppData\Roaming\BitMonero folder, Download this .bat990 file and put it together with your blockchain.bin and the other binaries, or simply create a .bat file with the following content:
@echo off

tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq bitmonerod.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "bitmonerod.exe">NUL
if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
  echo Starting node...
  start /MIN bitmonerod.exe
) else (
  echo Node already started.

tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq simplewallet.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "simplewallet.exe">NUL
if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
  if exist wallet.bin.keys (
    echo Starting previous wallet...
    start simplewallet.exe --wallet wallet.bin
  ) else (
    echo Starting new wallet...
    start simplewallet.exe --generate-new-wallet wallet.bin
) else (
  echo Wallet already started.
Now execute BitMonero.batbitmonerod.exe will take a while to create/open the blockchain and fully synchronize with the network, meanwhile take a look in the simplewallet.exe window, but don't type anything yet:
After you see the following message in your bitmonerod.exe window you are ready to create your wallet:
IMPORTANT: You can't type the password twice, so make sure you type it correctly and remember it after the first time, as there is no way to recover your wallet if you forget this password.
Type your password and press ENTER:
You should get the following message:
Congratulations, you have now successfully create a Monero wallet containing one address, but don't close any window yet, we need to save all the created data for the next time you execute the .bat file, it'll open the same wallet.
IMPORTANT (Backup and Paper wallet): The 24 words you see here (will be different in each wallet) provides the first way you can do backups of your wallet (the other way will be specified bellow). All you have to do is write down the 24 words. If you're particularly brave you can even memorize the 24 words. You can also use this to create an offline cold wallet or a paper wallet: create a wallet on a computer disconnected from the Internet, write the 24 words and the address and the view key down, and then remove all the files created by the wallet. To then restore the backup, run simplewallet.exe with the command to recover a wallet using electrum-style mnemonic:
simplewallet.exe --restore-deterministic-wallet *words*
Now in both window type save and press ENTER, it'll take a while for the blockchain, but the wallet is successfully saved immediately:
Now take a look in your BitMonero folder:
It should contain the wallet.bin.keys file, your De facto wallet with your encrypted private-key, that is only extracted with your wallet password, if you lose this file you won't be able to spend any coins in your public address (that you can find in wallet.bin.address.txt), so make backups of your .keys file and store it in a safe place.
For a list of commands type help in the simplewallet.exe window:
To transfer Monero use this command in the simplewallet.exe window:
transfer <mix> <address> <amount> [payment_id]
transfer 1 44wiH1Jg3rH3rzTWgscYC4bEtJSTtWsrQ97zE6qN47PBamPH4LWryjnJZ3LNn7f6Dj7aV3aAjLSoSYz9GMXNK4yZHtHgpsN 10
To paste an address, click on the simplewallet.exe icon:
IMPORTANT: If you are transferring Monero to an exchange you must include the payment ID , usually found near your deposit address.
To safely exit your wallet and blockchain, always type exit and press ENTER on both window:
Finally, to easily execute your wallet, create a shortcut of BitMonero.bat in your desktop:
IMPORTANT: Every time you open BitMonero.bat you need to wait bitmonerod.exe synchronize with the network before typing your wallet password, otherwise you need to type refresh in the simplewallet.exewindow to update your balance (and only after bitmonerod.exe is synchronized with the network).

How To Mining Bytecoin

Bytecoin Mining How-To

BY : DStrange

Preparatory stage:

1. Launch command line, navigate to Bytecoin's folder (e.g., “c:\bytecoin”)and launch “bytecoind” (Bytecoin daemon).

   cd c:\bytecoin


The daemon will start synchronizing the blockchain with the Bytecoin network. This may take some time. 

2a. Open another instance of command line and navigate to Bytecoin’s folder. Generate new wallet with “simplewallet”.

   simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345

Here “example_wallet.bin” is the name of the wallet (use .bin file extension) and “12345” is the password for your new wallet.

Wallet’s response:


Type in “refresh” command and press Enter:



The wallet will start synchronizing with the daemon:

2b. Alternatively, you can open an existing wallet (instead of creating a new one). 

   simplewallet --wallet-file=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345

Here “example_wallet.bin” is the name of the wallet (use .bin file extension) and “12345” is its password.

The wallet will start synchronizing with the daemon automatically. Once finished, you will be prompted with your current balance:

3.Start mining right from the wallet using “start_mining” command. The screenshot below contains wallet’s response:


Daemon’s response:

4. You can check your current hashrate by using “show_hr” command in daemon. The daemon will start showing your current hashrate (number of hashes generated per second). Use “hide_hr” command to make the daemon stop showing hashrate:


5. To stop mining simply use “stop_mining” command either in daemon or in wallet:



6. Do not forget to properly exit the daemon and wallet by using “exit” command:


How To Transfer Coins

1. Start the bytecoind.exe file, let it synchronize with the network
2. Open your wallet 
2. Use refresh command to sync it with the daemon
3. Type

transfer <number from 0 to 10> <receiver's address> <number of coins>

Be sure that receiver's address has no spaces - that may occur if you copy it from somewhere. 
remember not to use "Ctrl+C" in command line. Use right-click and "paste" command instead. 

Number of coins should have eight decimal places.

<number from 0 to 10> is called "mixin_count" in wallet hap info, which is the number of transactions your is indistinguishable from. This is probably a degree of anonymity, which is described in whitepaper

Example: "transfer 0 239gj9rgRe2XnGuBnTvqiE96ddhwwAQiC2BU1n7Z4pPPVmiCazCSA2JeEQH5Zp6H5MHW2Vb36Te1bjn LgW1MX88A5Rwr1r2 9000.00000000"

4. Press enter and wait. 

As a result you should have wallet response similar to this one:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

BAMT Guide - How to setup Linux BAMT step by step


What is BAMT?

BAMT is the short term for "The Big A Miner Thing".
It is a dedicated Linux OS specifically made for mining.

Why should I use BAMT instead of Windows?

There are several reasons why Linux is the better option for mining.
  1. It is super easy and fast to setup!
  2. BAMT doesn't need as many resources as Windows does.
  3. You can run BAMT from a single USB stick, making the need of a HDD or SSD unnecessary.
  4. It's more stable than Windows.
  5. No license needed.
  6. BAMT has an integrated webinterface which lets you check the stats of your miner easily and control is remotely.

But I have no experience with Linux!
No problem, that's why you are here.
Setting everything up is really easy and I will explain it for you step by step!

What do I need to get started?

  • • a computer with Windows
  • • a USB Stick with at least 4GB space. Make sure you haven't stored anything important on it, because all data will be deleted!
  • • a version of BAMT. I can recommend BAMT 1.3 for 280x and 7950 GPUs and will use it in this tutorial.
  • • "Win32 Disk Imager" to make your USB stick bootable.
  • • "Putty" for remote control of your miner.

Download mirrors:

Litecoin BAMT 1.3 R9 Series (Catalyst 13.11)

Litecoin BAMT 1.4 7xxx Series (Catalyst 12.8)

Litecoin BAMT 1.5 R9 Series (Catalyst 14.1)

Win 32 Disk Imager


Quick overview
  • Step 1 - How to install BAMT on your USB stick
  • Step 2 - Booting up your miner with BAMT
  • Step 3 - First steps in BAMT
  • Step 4 - Changing your config
  • Step 5 - Optimized scrypt kernel files
  • Step 6 - Seeing your sgminer in BAMT using root terminal
  • Step 7 - Seeing your miner stats through the webinterface
  • Step 8 - Remote controlling your miner using windows
  • Step 9 - Changing your config/pool with remote access

Step 1 - How to install BAMT on your USB stick

Plug in the USB stick to your computer.
Unzip the version of BAMT you have downloaded and start Win32 Disk Imager.

  1. Select your USB flash drive.
  2. Search for your downloaded BAMT image.
  3. Select the image and click open.
  4. Press "write" and wait until the program finishes.
  5. Thats it already! Now you have a bootable version of BAMT on your USB stick.

Step 2 - Booting up your miner with BAMT

Take your USB stick, plug it into your miner and boot it up.
If your miner doesn't boot from your USB stick, change the boot priority options in your BIOS.
To enter your BIOS you have to press "del" while booting up your miner (sometimes it is another key you have to press).

Step 3 - First steps in BAMT:

If you successfully bootet BAMT, you should see a screen like this.
Booting it for the first time will look just slightly different.

1. The first thing you should take a look is the ip shown on the desktop.
    Remeber that ip - you will need it later.

2. The next thing we want to do is to change your cgminer settings.
    Click on "Accessories" and open the "File Manager"

3. Click on the folder "BAMT" on the left side.
    If you don't see that folder, follow directories to "/etc/BAMT/".

4. This folder contains your cgminer configuration.
    To change the config you have to rightclick cgminer.conf and open it with leafpad.

Step 4 - Changing your config

Every graphics card is different and needs a different configuration to get the best results / hashrates.
There are good configs all over the internet. Just use google to find a config fitting your hardware.

Here are some configs that may help you:

In my tutorial I am using a miner with 4x Sapphire HD 7950 (11196-19-20G) and reach stable 2610kh/s. Thats nearly 653kh/s per GPU and I could reach even higher hashrates with this card, but energy consumtion is rising exponentially while stability of the system decreases. All cards were undervolted to 1,15V to run cooler and use less energy.

Config for Sapphire HD 7950 Dual-X (11196-19-20G) - 653kh/s @ 1,15V:


Click "Restart mining sessions" to start mining with your new settings.

A good cgminer config has the biggest impact on your hashrates, but using optimized scrypt kernel files for your miner can also help you to improve your hashrate by 10-30kh/s per card.
This files are modded bins with hardcoded constants like thread concurrency and improved loops to make the hashing process more efficient. There is no guarantee you will find bins fitting to your card and settings, but it is definitely worth to try and search on google for them.

You can download some optimized bins here:

Bins for 7950 cards including:
  • • for thread concurrency 16384, lookup gap 2
  • • for thread concurrency 20480, lookup gap 2
  • • for thread concurrency 21712, lookup gap 2
  • • for thread concurrency 22336, lookup gap 2
  • • for thread concurrency 22400, lookup gap 2
  • • for thread concurrency 24000, lookup gap 2

Bins for 280x cards including:
  • • for thread concurrency 8191
  • • for thread concurrency 8192

Note: The name of the file indicates which config you have to use with this bin in order to have success. If you are using a 64-bit system change the filename at the end from "*l4.bin" to "*l8.bin". 

Step 5 - Optimized scrypt kernel files

(If you could not find any optimized scrypt kernel files just skip this part.)

Download the bins on your computer and put them on your USB stick.
You can also download them directly on BAMT using Iceweasel
( "Start" -> "Accessories" -> "Iceweasel" ).

You will find the files with your filemanager in "/home/Downloads/".

  • • Copy all bins and open the directory "/opt/miners/cgminer/"
  • • Paste them into the cgminer folder and overwrite all files. Make a backup beforehand.
  • • Edit your cgminer.conf with the thread concurrencies the bins are optimized for.
  • • Restart mining session so your changes come into effect

Step 6 - Seeing your sgminer in BAMT using root terminal:

1. Open the Root Terminal.

2. Make sure your miner is running.
    If it is not running simply write "mine start" to start mining and "mine stop" to stop.

3. If your miner is running, type in "screen -ls" and press enter.

4. You will get a response smiliar to this. The information you need to know is "4167.cgminer"

5. Take the information from step 4 and write "screen -r 4167.cgminer" and press enter.

6. Voila! You can see the stats of your miner in realtime now.
    To stop mining and go back to the console simply press Q for Quit.

Step 7 - Seeing your miner stats through the webinterface

Remeber how you should remember the ip that you could see on your BAMT desktop?
Open a browser from your local area network and type in the ip.
This will show you this nice webinterface that is accessible through every browser which is connected to your LAN network. It's very useful to check quickly how your miner is doing even with your smartphone.

Step 8 - Remote controlling your miner using windows

In this step you will learn how to see your miner and change the config of your miner remotely.

Connecting to your miner using Putty.

Open putty and type in the ip-address of your miner under "Host Name" and click "Open".

If everything was right you should see a window like this.

Now you will have to login.

Username: user
Password: live

Don't worry if you don't see anything you type in the password field.

If your login was successful your next step is to become root.
Type in "sudo su" and press enter.

To see how your miner is doing use following commands:
"screen -ls"
You will need the information "4379.cgminer" for the next step.
If you don't get this info your miner is not running.
In this case you will have to to start your miner with "mine start".  

Now type:
"screen -r 4379.cgminer"

Step 9 - Changing your config/pool with remote access

If you follow step 8 you will have access to all the options sgminer gives you.
  • • Pressing P will give you the possibility to change your pool remotely.
  • • Pressing S will give you access to change your settings.
  • • Pressing Q will quit sgminer and stop mining.
Lets change the pool settings - simply press P on your keyboard.

To add a pool just follow the instructions sgminer gives you.
To add a new pool press A.
You will have to add your pool url, worker name and password.
To use the added pool you will have to press S and switch to it.

There is also another possible way to change your cgminer.conf and even paste a whole new config from your computer.

Quit your miner pressing Q. Now open your config with following command:
"nano /etc/bamt/cgminer.conf"

With this option you have access to change whatever you want in the config.
The options "^G" etc. are usable by pressing CTRL + G.
After changing your settings press CTRL + X.
You will have to define a name for your new config.
If you want to use it right away name it cgminer.conf.
Confirm your decision with [Y]es and thats it! Easy, isn't it?

I tried my best to get you started for using BAMT/Linux.
Feel free to tip me if I could help you :-)

Please Note: i re-posted the same content in the blog : BAMT-GUIDE
 You can Donate the Auther here:Bitcoin: 1FbquakkHE7E77FjvLwFrThoxJTNGjaFUk
Dogecoin: DS1DA5ZnYEQdq7tL16XSfu8tgmGLw9GBNk

Thank you very much!

Recapture of commands you need to know for BAMT:
  • • sudo su
  • • mine start
  • • mine stop
  • • screen -ls
  • • screen -r "*.cgminer"
  • • nano /etc/bamt/cgminer.conf